Kitsune Web Project
Kitsune is a Japanese fusion restaurant project.
Kitsune is a side project to learn HTML5 and CSS. The brief is to design and code a basic restaurant website. Japanese fusion restaurant website. As the main focus is on coding, the project is split into three phases for a fast approach.
Competitor Analysis
The coded pages are:
Menu page
Reservation page
Our Story page
404 page
Competitor Analysis
Three restaurants were analysed, two are Japanese cuisine and one asian fusion. The goal is to design a Japanese fusion restaurant that doesn’t adhere to the usage of white and black to emphasize Japanese culture.

Website Design
“Kitsune” is the Japanese word for fox and follows existing Japanese restaurants in using a cultural word as the name of the brand. Orange is the main colour representative of the fox with green as the secondary colour.
A fixed header is applied throughout the site and a flexbox layout is used to organise content.
A week was spent on CodeAcademy to learning HTML & CSS before starting the project. From then onwards further research online was used to help code specific sections such as drop downs in the reservation page.

Website style guide